Data Recovery & Repair
In the unforeseen event your data becomes corrupted or unreadable, we offer data repair and recovery services for your files.
Normally our service takes about 4 – 6 hours once we have received your data. It ultimately depends on how large your company’s data file is and how much damage exists. We understand that your company is unable to function without your accounting data.
We make every effort to expedite our services so your company can get back up and running. If we receive your data after normal business hours, you can expect a return time with the same 4 – 6 hour window the following business day.
Please note that data recovery jobs submitted 4 hours prior to our normal closing business hours may be subject to next day delivery.
Our bottom line is that we will expedite your request and try everything we can to get your repaired files back to you ASAP.
Call one of our technicians for detailed information as to how to send your data to us for repair.
(800)780-0700 or fax (954)961-0552
E-mail [email protected]
Fort Lauderdale/Miami/Palm Beach
Greater Atlanta
Phone: 954-961-0600
Phone: 800-780-0700
Fax: 954-961-0552
Email: [email protected]